Thursday, October 18, 2007

problem codec-import file to Mic Movie Maker

Lagi iseng mau bikin movie tentang perjalanan adventure temen2 indogulf kemarin di padang pasir menjajal ATV dan berenang dipantai sealine.

Waktu import file dari digital video format avi ke Windows Movie Maker (WMM) ternyata selalu 'error' codec required.

"The file cannot be imported because the codec required to play the file is
not installed on your computer. If you have already tried to download and
install the codec, close and restart Windows Movie Maker, and then try to
import the file again."

sudah coba crosscek di tools option automatic updated codec dan restart ternyata masih mendapat error yg sama. setelah searching sana-sini akhirnya dapet juga masalahnya dan inilah dia yg terjadi sebenarnya

Thank you so much! I analyzed it and it turned out to be an XviD codec. I've
downloaded it now and my avi file works in WMP and WMM perfectly fine. :)
Thanks bunches again.

Much love,


"Cari (MS MVP)" wrote:

> AVI files can be compresed or uncompressed. An uncompressed AVI will take
> up approximately 12gb of hard drive space per you probably won't
> find many online - and if you did, you probably wouldn't try downloading
> them.
> So we come to the conclusion that the AVI file you want to play is
> compressed... and in order to be able to play it, you need to know which
> particular codec it is compressed with.
> Happily someone wrote something that will help
> Let G-Spot analyze the AVI and once you know which codec encoded and
> compressed the file, you can download them, install them and the file will
> play.
> --
> Cari (MS-MVP Windows Client - Printing, Imaging & Hardware)

Dan aku dah coba akhirnya berhasil juga thanks, jadi intinya gini
1. Open kemudian download program simple bernama G-Spot and running program no need install (exe format).

2. Analyse file AVI yg bermasalah dan disebelah kanan nanti ditunjukkan apa masalahnya. utk kasus aku dgn AVI dibilang codec not installed yaitu codec "xvid".

3. Download and install codec "xvid", bisa searching di google dgn keyword "xvid' banyak yg menyediakan. cuma yg dah aku coba dan berhasil yaitu di pilih sesuai OS yg dipakai.

selanjutnya silahkan dicoba import lagi file Avi nya ke WMM...harusnya berhasil. selamat mencoba.
utk informasi lbh detailnya silahkan klik disini WMM community


  1. kok punya saya tetep gak bisa yah pak ? padahal saya sudah download codec "xvid" tapi WMM saya tetep gak bisa import video
    mohon pencerahannya

  2. Mas Opal
    waduh maaf saya dah lama ndak ngoprek lagi jdi di cek yg VMW forum diatas
